Thursday, March 17, 2016


Life been good lately. Music has been good lately. Not sure if its because I'm working harder at it because its been working out better lately or if I'm just getting lucky. Either way life is good. I hope it stays like this for as long as possible.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


I had a pretty solid day. One part of my life has been really good lately. The other part needs some work. I need to be more relaxed but thats pretty tough for me. Im still extremely tired and I need to eat more. lately I ve been so busy I haven't been eating as much as I probably should. There are worse things in life though. All in all I'm doing pretty good. God is good.

Saturday, March 5, 2016


Im super tired. I went to Mississippi with my dad and my brother today. I snagged two speakers worth 1200 a piece. I'll go to the pawn shops on Monday and try to make some dough. Carly just bought something stupid and now her and her friends are freaking out. God damn Jenners and their expensive shit. I need sleep.

Friday, March 4, 2016


Its really early. Car is at the airport and Liv is watching frozen. Im trying to figure out how to get this linked up with my reverberation page but i can't get it to verify soo for now I'm just not going to worry about it.

Thursday, March 3, 2016


Done with midterms. Thank God. I actually think I did pretty well on all of them so that is a plus. Its raining today witch is pretty comical because of yesterdays post. I hate the rain. Also I'm very hungry, and I'm basically done with kids who are in college but are dumb as hell.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Having a crazy few days. thats why there was a gap between posts . I gotta work on that shit. your not a real blogger unless you post consistently , and I strive to be real in all things. had some cool things happen recently life is good. I don't know if I'm waiting on rain because I know its coming. or if its gonna rain because I'm waiting on it, but either way its coming. To end on a happier note my daughter learned how to somersault and its fracking hilarious. Little wins.

Thursday, February 25, 2016


Im fucking stressed out imaginary readers. The positive about this is its not school health or family related so thats a win. Its more like music anxiety. I wonder if its a common artist thing to feel like this. Basically I'm stressing out about making good shit cause lately I've been putting some solid stuff out. I'll figure it out. I got some good people in my corner, but right now I'm stressed, and sleep deprived. Real world problems. Teen dad problems. Unsigned artist problems. Jakedag problems.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


so tonight me and car went to see a movie which is cool cause before we had liv i really loved to go see movies, but lately we haven't had a lot of time to see any. anyway i really wanted to see Deadpool but i knew car wanted to see How To Be Single so i just said we should see that for her. worst movie decision I've ever made period. holy shit that movie was bad, and the worst thing was the whole time i was thinking, "i skipped Deadpool for this."

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


took a nap feeling better. but real talk today has not been good. super weird nothing real bad has happened its just been one of those days that suck. i don't know if that makes sense at all, like randomly shitty days but thats what today is. looking forward to tomorrow.


today sucks I'm sooo tired. damn. thats all for now.

Monday, February 22, 2016


finally figuring out social media. gotta say it kinda runs the fun of it because everything becomes a calculated move for more people to see your shit and then hopefully buy it. kinda lame but what ever it works. my thumb is slowly but steadily healing and today i discovered some new music that is pretty dope. so all in all i give today two thumbs up. well.. one and a half.

Sunday, February 21, 2016


My thumb is growing back. its honestly super gross but really cool at the same time. Im pretty pumped up about this live track me and forest just cut. i had my buddy mix it and it came out awesome. Weird sidenote you gotta give old bernie sanders credit. He is running an independent campaign and has hillary clinton on the ropes. I'm not saying he can win but he has definitely earned my respect and vote. i hope my thumb doesn't stay deformed looking.... here is the link to the new song. . if anybody does read this, that won't be out till tomorrow so bam thanks for reading !

Thursday, February 18, 2016


I'm pretty tired. my thumb hurts a lot. im just bitching to bitch. anyway yesterday in the studio the engineer (guy who pushes record) had a project he had to do for his recording class. the project was record the whole track with just a single mic. if anyone reads this ever they ll probably think hmm you cut a track with just your acoustic. wrong. we but the track with drums and electric guitar and vocals all into one mic. it came out pretty sick super old school lo fi.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Its incredible how little i understand about social media. I can't figure out google plus if my life depended on it. also since i cut off the tip of my thumb i have had to start typing this weird ass way sooo if i miss spell anything thats probably why. but my grammar will be forever shitty, no excuses there.


I made this blog for my cyberPR class. I'm not gonna lie i have no intention of this becoming a read blog by anyone, but blogging is pretty cool. I actually thought blogging was a thing new school girls did in place of a diary, but there is a community of cool ass people talking about things i wanna hear about. so as of right now i think its cool.
A little bit about me. I'm an aspiring singer/songwriter. i am married to the girl i fell in love with in high school. we have a daughter who is fricking awesome in every way. so in a nutshell wannabe rockstar teen dad who is in college. i just laughed reading that description, but hey its true.
ill try to do blog regularly. -Jake